Liz O'Brien


Audrey Hepburn Portrait on Set of Sabrina, 1953

Audrey Hepburn, ready in make-up and costume to play the title role in Paramount’s Sabrina Fair. This shot is an out take from the photo essay in the December 7, 1953 issue of LIFE. All Mark Shaw prints are made to order in limited editions on Hahnemuhle photo rag paper. Each print is Estate stamped on the back and signed and numbered by David Shaw, and accompanied by a letter of authenticity. Lead time is four to six weeks, but we often receive them sooner.

*Please note this image is available in several sizes. Prices increase as editions sell out.

10″ x 15″ image on 11″ x 17″ paper, 13.75″ x 20″ image on 17″ x 22″ paper, 22″ x 32″ image on 24″ x 36″ paper

Reference: c19_27


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